LinkedIn is comprised of 110 million professional profiles and more than 2.2 million company profiles that can be tapped according to interest, specialty, location and background.
"The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual."
This feedback has yielded useful information about several actions you can take on a daily basis via LinkedIn to help empower your organisation’s mission.
The first rule of thumb is “be seen and be heard".
” Yes, you initially should reach out and connect your profile with as many relevant professionals you directly know.
Then you should strive to connect with new people through your own connections.
You probably have already pursued these two tasks and have maximized your connections.
- The next step is to search through hundreds of profiles and invite those who would be relevant and helpful to the work you do (and vice versa – connections should be mutually beneficial).
- While this may sound arduous, a gain of more than 500 connections all over the world would be worth the time spent.
Be Seen & Heard
- To be seen and heard, you need to join almost every LinkedIn group you find relevant to your organisation’s mission.
- And don’t stop there.
- These groups connect to a large range of people and you have the ability to participate or start group discussions every day.
- When the discussion is right, interject and share your organisation’s story or issues with your peers.
- Do this regularly. As you become more seen and heard over time, you will be surprised how many new people invite you to be their connection. And you’ll be surprised by who else is taking notes in group discussion forums – from potential donors to the media.
For example, let’s say you are having a challenging time reaching a decision-maker at a targeted company to discuss sponsorship opportunities.
Today, LinkedIn has added a professional team to monitor the specific needs of organisation through LinkedIn organisation Solutions. Review this new resource for other strategies to maximizing the potential of social media.
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